4 Reasons to Choose a Drainless Tummy Tuck

Looking for a tummy tuck with a streamlined recovery, natural-looking results, and fewer complications? You are wise to learn about the drain-free tummy tuck, a specialized procedure that achieves gorgeous results while also eliminating the need for post-operative drains. As an expert in this technique, Philadelphia plastic surgeon Dr. Brannon Claytor has exclusively performed drain-free tummy tucks for over 10 years. Here are 4 reasons to choose this procedure, plus how to find a tummy tuck surgeon.
1. No cumbersome drain to wear after surgery
The obvious benefit of a drain-free tummy tuck? There are no post-op drains to wear! Dr. Claytor’s technique allows the body to drain fluid from the surgical area on its own. You’ll completely skip the hassle of emptying drain fluids after surgery, as well as the 24/7 discomfort of wearing drains.
Being more comfortable sooner after surgery also means that you may find it easier to be up and about. This movement helps you to more quickly return to normal; Dr. Claytor encourages his patients to be lightly active around the house and take a shower the day after surgery.
Being more comfortable after surgery also means that you may find it easier to be up and about, which helps you to more quickly return to normal.
2. Faster tummy tuck recovery
Tummy tucks are well-known for requiring patience during the recovery period, but a major benefit of a drainless tummy tuck is that the technique helps to speed up recovery. During surgery, Dr. Claytor leaves a thin layer of scarpa’s fascia (connective tissue) intact below the skin, ultimately leaving the abdominal wall’s natural lymphatic drainage system intact, also. This allows the body to carry away fluid that would otherwise accumulate in the operated area, and it has added benefits: there is less trauma to your tissues, improving blood supply and reducing the strain on your healing body.
3. Fewer complications
Dr. Claytor’s independent research has demonstrated that drainless tummy tucks result in lower fluid collection rates than those of those patients who wear plastic drains at their incision sites. This helps to reduce the odds of developing a seroma, a post-surgical complication in which fluid collects beneath the skin.

4. Excellent tummy tuck results
A drainless tummy tuck addresses the same concerns as a traditional tummy tuck: this technique also tightens stretched abdominal muscles, removes excess skin, addresses fat deposits or a tummy pooch, and creates a natural-looking belly button. As such, you can expect the same benefits to your shape, your comfort, and your confidence:
- Firmer, more supportive abdominal musculature
- Relief from diastasis recti (separated abdominal muscles) & symptoms related to the condition, such a lower back pain and urinary incontinence
- Removal of excess skin and fat
- A contoured, proportional abdominal shape
- Improved quality of life
As with a traditional tummy tuck, incisions are typically placed from hip bone to hip bone, low on the abdomen so that they are hidden within the bikini line once healed.
Finding a surgeon for a drain-free tummy tuck
Before scheduling a consultation, ask any plastic surgeon you are considering if they perform drainless tummy tucks, technically called a scarpas-sparing abdominoplasty. Not all surgeons are trained and experienced in this technique, and you should not choose a surgeon who is any less than a specialist in this advanced method. As always, it is critical to look for a surgeon’s board certification, skill, and evidence of many previous happy patients.
Philadelphia plastic surgeon Dr. Brannon Claytor is a well-known drainless tummy tuck expert. In addition to educating his Bryn Mawr, Main Line, and Philadelphia tummy tuck patients about this procedure, Dr. Claytor educates fellow surgeons on the drain-free technique and has pioneered research that demonstrates its effectiveness; he also teaches an advanced course on scarpas-sparing abdominoplasty at national meetings of The Aesthetic Society. Learn more about Dr. Claytor & our plastic surgery office »
In this educational video for fellow plastic surgeons, Dr. Claytor narrates an animation demonstrating how he performs a drainless tummy tuck—with an emphasis on how he incorporates liposuction for more comprehensive results.
Am I a good candidate for a tummy tuck without drains?
Most patients who are a good candidate for tummy tuck surgery (in overall good health, at a stable weight, with exercise- and diet-resistant fat and excess skin on the abdomen) are also excellent candidates for a drain-free abdominoplasty. Rest assured that you will receive personalized advice and recommendations at your consultation, so meeting with Dr. Claytor at our Bryn Mawr plastic surgery office is the best way to learn if this surgery may truly be appropriate for you.
Schedule your consultation with a Philadelphia plastic surgeon to learn if drain-free abdominoplasty could be right for you
Philadelphia board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brannon Claytor is highly experienced with this technique, and he is passionate about helping body contouring patients meet their goals safely and efficiently. Schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Claytor by calling 610-527-4833 or contacting Claytor Noone Plastic Surgery online today.