Category: Body Contouring

Don’t Rule Liposuction Out as Not for You

Millions of men and women have been well-served by the liposuction procedure. Even through the many years during which surgical fat-reduction has been ongoing, misconceptions about what this procedure can do – and for whom it is appropriate – have circulated. To get the results you want from cosmetic treatment, it is necessary to understand […]

Addressing the Remnants of a C-Section

They say that motherhood is a blessing and, even on hard days, most mothers would not argue (too much) with that. Amidst all the joys and accomplishments a mother experiences with her family, she may also struggle with feelings of dissatisfaction at how her body has changed. Pregnancy, on its own, can significantly modify body […]

The Low Down on Labiaplasty

Women’s concerns related to the size and shape of external genitalia are nothing new. The reason we are hearing more about them is that we now have ways to correct asymmetry, elongation, and the consequences that stem from oversized labia majora or labia minora. At Claytor Noone Plastic Surgery, it is important to us to […]

What You Need to Know About Liposuction and Swelling

Liposuction is a well-known and very safe cosmetic surgery procedure that has helped millions of men and women achieve the contours they want. Over the years, the way that liposuction is performed, or with which technologies or technique, has changed to improve patient outcomes. For instance, laser or ultrasound-assisted liposuction may decrease bleeding and, therefore, […]

Get a Head Start on Bikini Season

There are so many reasons to be excited about the change of seasons. As much as we may enjoy cozying up to a warm fire on cold nights, there comes a time when all that merriment just gets, well, old. As we move toward Spring, what may be on many people’s minds is how they […]

Nips and Tucks and Sit-ups

Sometimes, a little nipping and tucking is the best way to overcome the changes that have occurred over time. Yes, we can diet, and we gain a lot from eating healthy. The body also benefits from a good workout several days a week. However, if you’re one who struggles to get that midsection tight and […]

The Tummy Tuck Recovery

There are 3 kinds of tummy tucks and each type is indicated for a different body type. A patient who has excess skin and even stretch marks from pregnancy with excess fat on her abdomen will do very well with a full tummy tuck. A patient who has only a small amount of excess loose […]

My Mini tummy tuck looks AWESOME!!

Tummy tucks with partial skin excision and no incisions around the belly button are called mini tummy tucks or modified tummy tucks. When patients do not have enough excess skin to need a full tummy tuck then they may be a good candidate for a mini or modified tummy tuck. The difference between the two […]

Tummy tuck. NO DRAIN, drainless tummy tuck

Tummy tuck without the use of drains is a novel concept that involves modifications to the classic tummy tuck procedure. It is not simply the same operation just without the use of drains. One of the modifications involves placing quilting sutures. While this is a widely used technique, it too has some shortcomings. First, it […]

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