Category: Breast Procedures

“Mini Breast Aug”: What It Is + Why Everyone’s Talking About It

The term “mini breast aug” refers to a specialized version of breast augmentation and is designed to provide subtle, natural breast enhancement without creating a dramatic change in size. While the technique is not new—Philadelphia plastic surgeon Dr. Brannon Claytor has been performing natural-looking breast augmentation for decades—the increasing demand for aesthetic procedures that enhance […]

A Look at Male Breast Reduction

Men with breasts. This sounds like a bad B-budget horror film. For the man who lives every day with noticeably large breasts, life can feel like its own House of Horrors. Men who are troubled by enlarged breast tissue often resort to wearing overly baggy clothes or even bras made specifically for male breasts; bras […]

Breast Implant Removal Done Right

More than 300.000 breast augmentation procedures were performed last year alone, with just as many expected for the current year. Understandably, this procedure is popular because it allows a woman to achieve the shape she pictures for herself. Also understandably, a woman who undergoes breast augmentation may expect that she will love her new look […]

Can Breast Implants Pop?

In our office near Philadelphia, we consult with many women regarding breast augmentation surgery. Of the various questions that are commonly asked, one comes up quite frequently: “can my breast implants pop?” Yes. Breast implants can pop, or rupture, as we refer to it. Breast implant rupture is an uncommon occurrence, though. Furthermore, if an […]

Breast Surgery: Getting the Results You Want

There are a number of particulars about the average woman’s life that could lead her to feel dissatisfied with her shape. The breasts, being integral to a sense of femininity for many women, are a common area of concern that we address with personalized care. A longstanding belief about breast surgery has been that volume […]

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