Vital Aspects of a Man’s Appearance
Throughout history, there has been a prevalent misconception that most men simply don’t care much about how they look. Interestingly, as men began to express their desire to have more sculpted bodies, sharper jawlines, and smoother pecs, words like “metrosexual” and “manscaping” became common. We believe that any man, like any woman, deserves to enjoy their appearance; to feel confident in how their face and body are portraying them and making them feel about themselves. In our Bryn Mawr office, we conduct several treatments that address the vital aspects of men’s appearance.
Facial Dynamics
The face is a critical area of appearance because it is what most represents our personality. Years of conditioning have caused us to look for certain attributes on the male face, such as the strong, angular jawline and sharp chin. Though men have been given a bit of a pass on lines and wrinkles, more men are showing an interest in maintaining smoother, younger-looking skin as they age.
Some of the ways that men can improve their facial aesthetic include:
- Getting their teeth whitened
- Reducing undereye bags with dermal fillers
- Smoothing frown lines with Botox
- Eliminating a double chin with Kybella
- Correcting severely saggy skin with a neck lift or lower facelift
- Silhouette InstaLift treatment offers subtle jawline improvement without surgery
Learn also about facelifts for men.
Body Contours
Contouring is an aspect of the male physique just as much as it is the female shape. Men come to our Bryn Mawr office with concerns like the telltale Dad Bod, a little spare tire around the middle, or excess breast tissue, to name a few. Each of these concerns may be addressed with a customized treatment plan.
Some of the ways we help men improve their bodies include:
- SmartLipo laser liposuction on any area where fatty tissue won’t budge with exercise
- Liposuction may be an ideal technique for male breast tissue
- Tissue excision and lifting may be necessary for male breast enlargement that involves glandular tissue
There are so many ways to support your best appearance that there’s no reason to accept any of the concerns mentioned here. Learn more about how you can feel like your best self by exploring treatment options with us. Call 610.527.4833 to schedule your consultation.