Why an Educational Facelift Video Became a Surprise Overnight Hit

Bryn Mawr, PA, June 28, 2023/PRNewswire/—Dr. Claytor first recorded his video about deep plane facelifts because so many patients were asking the same questions during consultations. In the video, Dr. Claytor stands in front of a dry erase board and speaks for a little more than twelve minutes, drawing illustrations as he goes, explaining the finer details of facial anatomy and facelift procedures in clear language anyone can understand. After receiving positive feedback from patients who watched the video, he uploaded the video to YouTube so that it would be easier to share with others. 14,000 views later, it is clear the video has a large audience and regular comments show appreciation for his presentation of a complex topic.
Dave Busan, a YouTube commenter, echoed what more than one of the other commenters had also said when he posted, “The best explanation of the deep plane facelift on YouTube!”
Dr. Claytor is a board-certified plastic surgeon renowned for his comprehensive understanding of facelift techniques, and he is also well known for his kind bedside manner and patient-first approach to his medical practice. Both ideas come across in the video.
“I wasn’t thinking about publishing a video on YouTube when I filmed it,” Dr. Claytor reports, “I was just thinking about what I would want you to know about this surgical procedure. Watching it now, it’s fun to realize I may have filmed a particularly helpful video on a topic that people are interested in and I’m glad it has a larger audience.”
In the video, Dr. Claytor goes into a level of detail that is uncommon outside of medical training, but does so without leaving the viewer overwhelmed. Even if someone is not interested in cosmetic surgery, his explanation of how a deep plane facelift repositions the retaining ligaments that tether the SMAS layer to the facial bones is very satisfying to watch, especially as he sketches a perfect side view of the human face and proceeds to draw the musculature of the face while speaking to the viewer.
According to Dr. Claytor, the deep plane facelift is a highly effective solution for patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their jowls, neck, and cheeks due to aging. The procedure involves small incisions that are hidden along the ear and hairline, which are well-disguised after healing.
When asked how many takes it took to film the video, Dr. Claytor had this to say: “This was the first and only take. Sometimes it all comes together and you get it right. I talk in the video just like I do when I meet with patients. I want people to be happy with who they are and understand what can be done about an aging face.”

Dr. Claytor serves the Bryn Mawr, Main Line, and greater Philadelphia areas and has been featured in numerous publications for his expertise in facial rejuvenation techniques, including Haute Beauty and Main Line Today. He performs all surgical procedures in his accredited, state-of-the-art surgical facility—with about 90% of facelift surgeries performed as “awake” procedures using local anesthetic for a more comfortable, faster recovery.
About Dr. R. Brannon Claytor
Dr. R. Brannon Claytor’s warmth and attention to his patients’ needs make him one of the Philadelphia area’s favorite plastic surgeons. Dr. Claytor’s practice, Claytor Noone Plastic Surgery, is located at 135 S Bryn Mawr Ave Suite 300, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010. The office is on the Philadelphia Main Line. Dr. Claytor can be reached at (610) 527-4833 or at www.cnplasticsurgery.com.
Media contact: Dr. R. Brannon Claytor, Claytor Noone Plastic Surgery, (610) 527-4833, www.cnplasticsurgery.com.